We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good. 我们正努力避免陷入困境,但我们的现金流动情况不太好。
An enterprise may also prepare a cash flow statement to reflect the changes in its financial position. 企业也可以编制现金流量表,反映财务状况的变动情况。
To choose his winners and losers, Finkelstein screens a variety of financial metrics, including stock price, cash position, and market share. Then he drills down to make sure the CEO was actually responsible for what happened. 为了选出优胜者和失败者,芬克斯坦使用股价、现金状况和市场占有率等多项财务指标进行筛选,同时通过深入的调查,确保这一切的确都应该记在CEO们的账上。
SP analyst Tony Tang said in a note he expects Alibaba to maintain its dominant market position, profitability, and net cash position over the next 24 months. 标准普尔分析师托尼•唐(TonyTang)在一份简报中表示,他预计阿里巴巴在未来24个月里能够维持市场主导地位、盈利能力和净现金头寸。
Because of a weak cash position, Solarwind company has paid no dividends during the current year. 由于缺少现金,太阳风公司当年未支付股利。
Nevertheless, prices held firm as most developers had no pressure to lower prices due to improved balance sheet and a favourable cash flow position. 尽管如此,许多开发商由于资金充裕,并不存在降价压力,由此价格仍保持坚挺。
The applicant is required to submit the Guarantee Fund and Cash Position. 申请人应当向本公司交纳结算保证金以及结算备付金。
On earnings, cash flows, profitability and the financial position of the entity. 关于实体收入、现金流,收益率和财务状况。
Analysis on the Comparative Advantage of Statement of Cash Flow and Statement of Changes in Financial Position; 现金流量表的编制一直是高校财经专业教学和学习的难点之一。
Cash-basis accounting is a method of bookkeeping that records financial events based on cash flows and cash position. 现金基础会计是一种方法,簿记,记录为基础的金融活动的现金流量和现金状况。
Vale has huge cash reserves, so it could look for acquisitions to reinforce its position in the world, perhaps in the area of fertilisers, he says. 他说:淡水河谷拥有巨额现金储备,所以它可能会寻找并购机会来巩固它在世界上的地位,也许是在化肥领域。
Cnooc's strong cash position and chopped dividend last year down to 36 per cent of net income, from the customary 40-ish, in a year of record oil prices led some to fear that the smallest of China's big three oil companies was preparing something drastic. 中海油强大的现金头寸和去年股息的缩减在油价创纪录的年份,惯常占净收益40%多的股息减少到了36%让一些人担心中国石油三巨头中的小弟将有某种惊人之举。
Li, despite limited asset-management experience, was able to continue the pursuit on his own due to his strong cash position. 不过,尽管李泽楷在资产管理领域经验有限,他仍然凭藉着强大的现金实力继续独自推进交易谈判。
To control the counter operations and cash position by scrutinize exception reports and check cash daily to ensure balancing and keep cash under dual control at all ti mes; 为了控制柜台业务和现金状况的审查例外情况报告和检查,以确保每天的现金平衡,保持现金双重控制下在任何时候;
It also took large positions in the cash subprime market and its cash losses may well exceed whatever losses it suffers on its derivatives position. 它在现金次贷市场也有大量头寸,而且现金亏损可能远远超过衍生品头寸造成的亏损。
Three requirements for the payment of a cash dividend are: retained earnings, an adequate cash position and dividend action by the board of directors. 支付现金股利需具备三个条件:留存收益、充足的现金和董事会的分红决定。
How would my cash flow position be affected by the reforms, particularly for BT taxpayers where the rate is likely to increase? 改革对本企业的现金流有何影响,尤其是对税率可能提高的营业税纳税人的影响?
The treasurer has custody of the company's funds and is generally responsible for planning and controlling the company's cash position. 财务主任对公司资金有保管责任,并主要负责公司现金的计划与控制。
Provide adequate and reliable monthly financial forecast and cash flow forecast to assist financial controller in planning, practice, profitability and position for the company future growth; 每月提供周密、可信的财务预测和现金流量预测报告,协助财务总监制定切实可行的,利于公司发展的财务计划;
The cash position continues to be acutely difficult. 现金情况依旧极为困难。
Hedging a cash market position in a futures contract for a different but price-related commodity. 利用品种不同但价格相关性强的期货合约为现货市场的头寸进行套期保值。
Taking the overall financial position into account, the investing activities of companies with worse position tend to support free cash flow agency cost assumption, while those of companies with better position tend to support external financing constraint assumption; 按综合财务状况分类,状况较差企业的投资行为较为支持自由现金流量代理成本假说,状况良好企业的投资行为较为支持外部融资约束假说;
This paper states the existent theoretical basis of cash flow accounting and analyses the position of cash flow account in the accounting science and discusses the connection with accrual basis and cash flow basis of accounting. 阐述了现金流量会计存在的理论基础,分析了现金流量会计在会计学科中的地位,进一步探讨了现金流量会计与权责发生制会计的关系。
Business process, in essence, from cash to the material, but also from the material-to-cash process and better reflect the cash flow position from continuing operations capabilities. 企业经营过程,实质是从现金到物质,又由物质到现金的过程,现金流量状况更能体现企业持续经营的能力。
As a kind of important cash crop, tobacco occupied significant position in the national economy. As one of the dominant industry of agriculture, tobacco agriculture plays a decisive role in developing village economy. 烟草作为一种重要的经济作物,在我国国民经济中占有重要的地位,烟草农业作为国家的农业龙头产业,在农村经济发展中具有举足轻重的作用。
The next article also described the meaning of venture capital exit, described the venture capital venture out for the achievement of cash flow, meaning to maintain liquidity and risk investment in an important position in many areas. 接下来描述了风险投资退出的涵义,并阐述了风险投资退出对于实现风险投资资金周转、保持流动性的意义以及其在风险投资诸多环节中的重要地位。
Given the preceding analysis, companies must combine their cash flow position, more in-depth analysis. 鉴于前面的分析,企业必须结合自身的现金流量状况,进行更为深入的分析。